Office Hours Mon-Fri, 8:00-5:00
Fax 480-422-8592
Phone 602-856-6386

Our Vision

One’s Vision often flow from One’s Experiences- I am a retired United States Marine and it was in the Marine Corps that I got the opportunity to provide security to a portion of our country’s nuclear weapons arsenal—both abroad and here in the United States.

It was in the position of a Guard Officer, Executive Officer, and later as a Commanding Officer of a company of Marines who guarded these highly valued weapons that I learned to love and appreciate both the Art and Science of security.

It was in the positions that I learned; from the ground up—the Techniques, Tactics, Technologies, and Procedures that make up a comprehensive security plan.

Some years later—after I retired—I worked for a short period of time in the Resort Security Industry and I began to see the value of guards who were able to combine both a professional security services with a polished high touch customer service approach.

And it is my 23-year military experience coupled with my resort security experience thatà  from those 2 sources flow the vision of FPS.

Four Peaks Security combines all that is highest in military efficiency and ethos with a world class luxury hospitality style.

Towards that end, we have built a Unique & Elite Security Team- NOW…  to join that team there are 4 Requirements that every FPS guard must meet.

They must Present Well, they must Guard Well, they must Speak Well, and they must Write Well.

Guards that in every way sets the standard for a Private Security Firm. A standard that shatters the caricature of the Mall Cop.

And this is the Team that we have built over the years.

FPS is a select private security firm that protects High Value Assets, be they People, Places, or Property.  We specialize in security for High End Real Estate, Commercial & Industrial Centers as well as Executive Protection.

If you require this high level of a security service- then we would like the opportunity to meet with you.

A seed is a very small thing that has the potential to grow into a very large thing.  Given the right soil conditions, moisture, and most importantly Time, that seed will germinate and begin to realize its potential.

Well in 1993 a seed was planted in my consciousness.  That of working in the Security Industry.

FPS is not what I would call a “cookie-cutter” security agency.  We are not into mass producing security with hundreds or thousands of guards who provide a very cookie-cutter (generic) type of security service.

In fact, we are the very opposite of this.